Tata Bahasa Transformatif Generatif Dalam Cerpen as-Shaghirah Ayat wa al-Wahsy Karya Hanan Kan’an

  • Khasanah, Habib Bawafi, Amit Dana Hikmah STIT AL MUSLIHUUN TLOGO KANIGORO BLITAR


This study tries to clarify how sentences in Hanan Kan'an's short novel as-Shaghirah Ayat
wa al-Wahsy use generative transformational grammar. The generative transforming
processes in the sentence of ismiyah and sentence of fi'liyah can be known thanks to this
research. The information is the sentence of Arabic words that have been transformed,
including ismiyah and fi'liyah. The information was obtained from Hanan Kan'an's short
narrative as-Shaghirah Ayat wa al-Wahsy and was gathered through note-taking and
listening techniques. The distributional approach was used to analyze the data. According
to the findings, there are four different types of transformative patterns: deletion, expansion
employing adjectives and idhafah, and addition, which is the introduction of additional
sentence elements.
